Saturday, April 26, 2014

Our Future

Weather change refers to increases in temperature at the earth’s surface and creates different scenario, such as frequent hot days and fewer cool days.  “Storms, floods, and droughts will generally be more severe as precipitation patterns change. Hurricanes may increase in intensity due to warmer ocean surface temperatures” (Riebeek pg.1).

“Climate change refers to the broader set of changes that go along with global warming, including changes in weather patterns, the oceans, ice and snow, and ecosystems”( Frequently Asked Questions pg. 1). Meaning when oceans get hotter, and ice caps are melting together they describe the word climate change.

The term global warming means when the greenhouse gases build up in the atmosphere; the gas intakes some of the sun’s heat and does not release it into the atmosphere. This causes the earth to be much warmer due to the extra heat at the earth’s surface. This extra heat affects plants, animals, and humans.

I believe we are currently moving extremely fast towards another ice age. I think this because everything on our planet follows the rule of equilibrium. Due to that fact, I think humans’ helping global warming is just making the ice age come faster.  

Milutin Milankovics theory states that every 100,000 years an ice age occurs, and it always follows that pattern (Milankovitch Cycles pg. 1). Since the last ice age was about 10,000 years ago, means we will have another ice age in 90,000 years ago, but I personally think that will happen before that time.

The article states that we are not going through global warming but supports the idea of going through global cooling. The article supports the idea of global cooling by giving us a few facts about increasing population of polar bears, water vapor in the air has declined and less vapor means lower temperatures. (Schaefer pg.1 ).

Work Cited

            "Frequently Asked Questions." EPA. Environmental Protection Agency, 09 Sept. 2013. Web. 25 Apr. 2014. <>.

            "Milankovitch Cycles." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 21 Apr. 2014. Web. 26 Apr. 2014.

Riebeek, Holli. "Global Warming : Feature Articles." Global Warming : Feature Articles. N.p., 03 June 2010. Web. 24 Apr. 2014. <>.

Scaefer, Keith. "-So-Hot Facts About Global Warming Research–Global Cooling Part III." Yahoo! News. Yahoo!, 18 Apr. 2014. Web. 26 Apr. 2014. <>.

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